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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 - Weekly News (14.1.22)

17th Jan 2022

Our focus in literacy this week has been on writing a prediction about our new class novel, 'There's a Pharaoh in our bath'. We also looked at singular and plural nouns, recognising when to use s, es or 

We completed some numeracy revision this week focusing on our subtracting skills with P4 focusing on 3 and 4 digits and P5 working on 4 digits progressing to some 5 digit calculations. The P4s were also measuring in centimetres and millimetres whilst the P5s were converting centimetres to metres.

ICT over the next number of weeks will focus on our typing skills to further develop recognition of the different keys we can use on a keyboard as well as changing the font, size, colour and developing our presentation skills by adding images and boarders.

Our topic for term 2 will be 'Ancient Egypt'.

We had an exciting visit from 'The Amazon Jungle Show' on Friday which linked to our term 1 topic (The Rainforest). Catherine, the host was very impressed with our behaviour and our knowledge of some of the animals and the different aspects of the rainforest.