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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 - Weekly News (25.2.22)

25th Feb 2022

A lovely first week back after the break with all children settled and working hard. 

During literacy we started to look at newspaper reports to identify different features which are needed to write a newspaper report. This allowed us to recap and recall lots of previously learnt knowledge. We also completed work on using apostrophes to show possession. 

Our focus for numeracy this week was to collect and present data on bar charts and pictograms. We found out our favourite ice cream flavours as well as choosing our pancake topping in preparation for Pancake Tuesday. 

We combined our art and ICT lesson this week. The children worked in small groups to research and develop their ideas to plan their junk art which they will create as part of their topic 'Ancient Egypt' in the coming weeks. Great teamwork, sharing of resources and creative ideas. 

Well done everyone, have a lovely weekend.