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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 ~ Weekly News (10.2.23)

10th Feb 2023

Our literacy activities focused on using our adjective and senses work from last week’s lesson to write descriptively about popcorn and Disneyland. We revisited conjunctions and recapped how we can connect sentences to create longer sentences which helps to make our writing flow better.

During numeracy we revised our subtraction skills with P4 calculating 3 and 4-digit numbers and P5 calculating 4 and 5-digit numbers as well as ordering our answers. We looked at different shapes to draw and find lines of symmetry which helped us develop our skills of using a ruler and understanding the importance of using a ruler to complete numeracy tasks.

We enjoyed making cards to celebrate Valentine’s Day next week as well as having PE lessons with Abby from the IFA and Laurence.

P4/5 have worked very hard throughout Term 2A and should get plenty of rest and enjoy some free time during their half term break.

Have a lovely safe week off and I’ll see everyone on Monday 20th February.