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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 ~ Weekly News (28.4.23)

28th Apr 2023

This week we have been looking at connective words and how they help to connect our sentences as well as revising other parts of grammar including adjectives, nouns, and verbs.  We have continued to focus on our handwriting as well as completing our weekly comprehension. 

Our numeracy focus has been on recalling our times tables as well as using digital scales to weigh items around the classroom in grams and kilograms.  The P5 children progressed to converting between grams and kilograms and vice versa to include decimals. 

We continued creating our newspaper reports on Microsoft Publisher about Mullaglass Primary School getting into the Northern Ireland Primary School Football Final.

Our term 3 RE focus is on friendship which will enable us to look at parables of Jesus’ teachings about his friends, the Disciplines. 

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend! 😊