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Mullaglass Primary School, Newry, County Down

P4/5 ~ Weekly News (9.6.23)

9th Jun 2023

This week during literacy we have been working on the ‘where’ homophone and using it correctly in our writing as well as continuing to develop our comprehension skills.  As part of literacy and our topic work we learnt about the ‘water cycle’ and completed a labelling activity to further understand what happens at each stage of the cycle. We will use this activity to complete an explanation writing piece in future lessons.

Our numeracy focused on recalling, applying and using our money skills to find the total and calculate the change from a given amount which enabled us to use all 4 operations to solve a variety of questions. The children worked in small groups to measure in meters and centimetres different items in the classroom and in the corridor developing their estimating, measuring and communication skills.

The children worked with a partner to plan their final ICT activity which they will complete together to create a PowerPoint of their P4/5 memories including what they are looking forward to when they move to P5 and P6.  Everyone worked brilliantly with their partner during the planning stage and next week we will begin to create our PowerPoint presentation on the computers.

We all had great fun on Tuesday at our annual Sports Day with all boys and girls working hard competing in each activity. 

We had our last trombone lesson for this year and received lovely compliments from Mr McClean regarding our good behaviour and effort each week.  Well done, everyone!

Have a lovely weekend!